Jun 13, 2021
Self Reflection of Js workshop
In the Workshop Cover the topic
- About browser and it’s features except accessing the website.
- Different ways to add js code in HTML
- How to run the js code using browser by writing JavaScript as the protocol instead of HTTP.
- Different tags.
- Text to speech conversion using JS.
- DOM( Document object model) and BOM(Browser object Model).
- Different boxes in js that is Alert box, confirm box and Prompt Box.
- Integration of CSS with Js.
- About AJax ( Asynchronous javascript and XML).
- How to make a request in JS using XMLHttprequest() method.
- Difference between js Synchronous and Asynchronous that can be made by using open () method in JS.
- Uses of <pre> tag for proper alignment of the output. And lots of important concept that is too useful for understanding the js
Best workshop of JavaScript. Thanks for reading 🙂