Task 01:-

Ashutosh Kaushik
3 min readMay 27, 2021



First we pull the image of CentOS using Docker. The command for pulling the CentOS image is “docker pull centos:latest" it will pull the latest version of CentOS.

Now we have CentOS image. For checking how many images or CentOS image have or not use the comamnd “docker images" it will show you all the images you have.


Now first we run or launch the container. For launching the centos container we use the command in my case “docker run -it — name myos1 centos:latest" it will launch a container for you.

Now if we want to any installation in the container first we configure the yum. So in my case yum configuration is already done in my base os RHEL8 and firewalld is disabled so it is auto-connected to virtual configuration of yum is done. For checking the yum configuration is done or not use the command “yum repolist” it will show you the configuration.

So yum is configured. Now my requirement is writing the ML code in python on the container, so we need to first check python is there or not. There are two types of version running in industry one python2 or Python3. So by checking we found no python interpreter is there.


Now go for installation of python interpreter. For this we use the command “yum install python3" in the container only python3 version supported. So we we are installing the python interpreter.

Now python3 is installed. Let’s go for launching the python interpreter. But before launching we install some package or module of python so for the ML code we need a module and name of this module is sklearn. So any module is installing using pip3 in centos. Now we install the module using the command “pip3 install sklearn".

Now module is installed so launch the python Interpreter and start the writing code.

In this ML code we conclude about the how many marks you achieve on the basis of your hours of study. We trained the model on the basis of experience. For example if your no. Of hours of study is 5hr then you got 50% marks, this is the scenerio of your college.

Now my task is completed.

Summer_Program_2021 First_task_Completed🤩.



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